Well, apart from the fact that I should really be blogging more often, here are a few things in the pipeline for this year:
We're going to put a fence around the hedge in the garden. This sounds pretty straightforward, but there's a lot of hedge, so it's a bit of a mission. Excitingly, we've got someone coming to help with it!
The bed where the parsnips were dug up with a pickaxe is (perhaps unsurprisingly) slightly messed up, so needs sorting out. It's going to have some flowers in it, and some of the veg are going to be moved outside into a...
Raised bed in the orchard. This is getting more into the realms of dreams, but I'd really like to have a raised bed in the orchard. I bought some blackberries to go in it, and will get some gooseberries too. We'll also go for things like red cabbage out there (might construct the raised beds with the ability to be netted)
Peony needs to be planted out.
Zillions of flowers for a cutting garden.
Tempted by some Mahonia but resisted (so far)
The hedge needs to be planted (thankfully the team will do that, not me!)
And loads of other stuff.
The green manure is chuntering along ok. Hopefully it will work!