Friday 30 July 2010

Carrots, carrots and more carrots.

Mentioned the carrots yesterday. Well, today, I started to harvest them.
The first one I got (which was a bit of a sad start) was mutant carrot.
It had these fab little arms and legs, and a very stubby body. It was not an altogether glowing start to the carrot harvest, but they did get better and better from there in.

Here's a shot of some of them having just been harvested, and they're not looking bad at all. (That's mutant carrot in the front there, but he's lying on his tummy, so you can only see one arm and one leg).

And of course, you can't harvest carrots without the help of a garden gnome (a.k.a Joshua). He was very useful indeed (in that he harvested one carrot and then let me get on with it!)
And yes, he is still in his pyjamas for this. Shocking, I know.
Here's the proof of the amount of carrots - over 1kg! Very pleased with that, especially given how many more are still to come up. I think I'll probably dig up one row over the next week or two, and then plant some baby carrots we got free from the National Trust. That should mean that we've got carrots for a while yet! They take about 7-10 weeks, if the book is correct...
Apparently, the Table Queen should be ready in about another month, but maybe I'll be lucky and have some sooner. They are supposed to be about 6in diameter, according to one place I looked! So they've got a little way to go yet.

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