Here's some other stuff we've brought in...
We've had a little bowl of tomatoes. (A little bowl of little tomatoes, in fact). We've had boxes and boxes and boxes of apples (thus the crumble mixture that's being stockpiled in our freezer). I've taken off the last (sizable) squash things (we

Plant them sooner next year!!!
I would also have pictures of the courgettes (the last of the season), but we ate them on Saturday night...
Tonight we ate some spuds from the garden (sadly, some of them died because I'd stupidly put them in a box rather than in a bag/sack.
I've ordered some onion, garlic and shallot sets last week, that will hopefully come in time to be planted in the holidays!
Time in the garden has also included a fair amount of clearance over the course of the last few days. The Sweet Pea and Tomato boxes have been cleared out. In fact, in the clearance process, I came across something that I thought was very cool indeed:
It's a toma

The rose bed has been weeded, cleared (the pumpkins in there didn't come to anything) and compost has been added. I've also taken a couple of rose cuttings to plant, with the hope they'll root and grow next year. I've done them in pair to double the chances, and if both of a pair root, I'll just pull one up anyway. It was a 20 minute job, so if it works, I figure I've saved some more cash!
I'll blog again soon about what's been going into all these beautifully cleared spaces :)
How embarrassing - I used that tomato photo two posts ago :$