Thursday, 28 July 2011

Are you bored of sweet peas yet?

Well, mum mentioned in a recent 'phone call that grandad had once had 5 blooms on one stem.  I thought this was pretty impressive.  Today, I found this:
Ok, so it's past its best, I'll grant you.  But there are (were!) clearly six blooms hereupon.
Yay :)

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Marathon Garden day.

Yesterday was pretty immense in the garden:
Front beds had some sunflowers put in to replace the (mysteriously) damaged ones.
Also planted some pansies (got enough from seed!!) in the useless front bed that will probably suck the life from them.  If they work, it'll spruce up the drive a little.
Pruned the wisteria so it no longer looks like it's trying to gain entry to our house.
Replanted most of the pots on the front step to tidy things up a little.
Attempted to annihilate an ant colony on the front step.
Potted up some:
More pansies,
Sweet peas (bushy type)
A random rudbeckia
Planted out:
A rudbeckia in the climbing frame bed.
Three 'honesty' (Lunaria Annua) in the rose bed, around the drain.
Sunflowers in the bed next to the rose bed.

Made up the four wedding-anniversary-present-chairs from Anna's parents.
Tidied the sideboard of solution a little.
Sadly, although there are still plenty left, many of the pansy seedlings died while we were away, because I forgot to put them on the table (where they'd get rained on) and so they dried and died.  Oops.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Those sweet peas again...

I think that they look better from this angle.  This is the view from the South (so it's logical that they look floweryer)
This week I've:
Planted out the tomato seedlings,
Planted out a b'nut squash and 'yummy pumpkin' seedlings,
Netted the red cabbages,
Harvested a few raspberries,
Harvested loads of plums (jam tomorrow)
Found some flowers growing! (photos some time...)
And probably other stuff too, which I've forgotten.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Sweet (pea) aroma.

Well, looking at the last picture of the sweet peas, posted on June 11th (ok, so it was, strictly speaking, a picture of the rose, and the sweet peas just happened to be hanging around in the background...) I thought I should perhaps update you on their progress:

I'm going to be bold and perhaps a little unhumble and say that I'm sure they actually look better in real life.  And the smell of them is such a large part of their appeal that a blog post could never do them justice.
Other things that have happened in the garden lately:
Loads of people came for drinks and nibbles in the garden.
The raspberries have been netted.
The cherry tree has been netted (partly in response to the text I received last week from the friend down South we gave an identical cherry tree too, saying she was enjoying her first bowl of cherries of the year - ours are still somewhat green)
Courgettes and squashes have been planted in the orchard beds.  (Maybe I said that already)
Beans have been planted in a new orchard bed.  (Maybe I said that too...)  And one replaced following its predecessor's consumption by unknown aggressor.
Red cabbages have been planted in the orchard, then attacked by the birds, and are now in the process of being netted and, while they wait, are covered in fleecey stuff.
On the flowers front, some of the zinnias have been spaced out a bit more evenly.
Most of the gazanias and rudbeckias that were heretofore in pots are now in the ground. 
The pansies are flourishing in their modules, and should really be dealt with ASAP.