Saturday, 10 September 2011

Seedy business.

What's the difference between seed envelopes and dinner money envelopes?
Well, the most obvious thing seems to be the price...  I ordered a pack of each.  At the time of ordering, the seed envelopes were £3.90, while the dinner money envelopes were £3.99.  For the extra nine pence, you got 80 more envelopes.  Now, I have to admit that the seed ones do seem to be a bit higher quality - more robust (I suppose a dinner money envelope usually only has to last until lunchtime...)
But anyway, I started using them today.  I collected some lavender seed, some seed from a nice flower (probably technically a weed, but who cares?!) that sprouted along the drive, and a whole bunch of poppy seed.  They're in the dinner money envelopes. 
Other stuff that's been done in the garden recently includes:
Harvesting the carrots (they were purple),
Harvesting some spuds,
Trimming leaves off tomato plants (helps the fruit ripen, apparently),
Potting the fuchsia up into bigger pots,
Cutting back the lavender,
Pruning the wisteria,
Turning the compost,
Watching the sweet peas die back and waiting for an abundant harvest of seeds.
Dead heading the sunflowers out the front,
Emptying all the dead pots of compost (failing seedlings and the like) into a big trug, with the idea of planting a fig tree in it and sinking it into the ground (apparently they grow really big if unchecked)
And probably other stuff too...

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