Thursday, 16 May 2013

Catch up...

So, it's been quite a while since I blogged anything here.  That doesn't mean I've been idle out in the garden though!
Here's a rough roundup of what's been happening in the last few months.  I blame the weather, in part, for the lack of 'interesting' things to blog.  It's been horrendous, and so it's been taking longer for things to get going (apart from the weeds).

I've put in a bean frame thing for the runner beans.  (The fallen child in the middle is an optional extra)
22 Feb.
 I've sought inspiration.
Calke Abbey Auricula Theatre
I've constructed some raised beds, and a path which you'll see in a later shot, when I upload from my camera rather than the phone!
I've put the netting up for the sweet peas at the front of the house. I've sown them and they're just starting to show their heads. 

I've constructed a screen for the potato bins to hide behind.  This was an exciting task for the first few minutes, but dragged on for hours and just became really tedious.  But I like how it looks.
I've done some labelling of sown seeds (remember those colourful lolly sticks I bought for the purpose?  They may be the only colour in the garden this year...)
We've been welcoming 'Felix', our friendly (i.e., hungry) pheasant to the garden.  He's occasionally brought some lady friends.

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