Friday 25 June 2010

Yesterday and today...

We did some digging.
No real reason for it - we just felt like it, so why not?!

And if you're wondering about that stick thing in the ground, it's stick man.
We also earthed up the potatoes again today - they were looking like this:
despite the fact we only did it yesterday. I'm beginning to wonder if there's enough room in the bins... (not that I know anything about growing them!)
We were also stalked by a robin: (watch out for where Joshua almost buries it, and it still doesn't fly away)

Very bold little creature! If you're wondering why I show my shoes, it's to demonstrate how close the bird is!
And we followed it and found its nest too - very dodgy picture, but the white little stripes in the middle are the beaks of the babies. The red blob in the top left quarter at the end is the robin (possibly slightly disturbed by our presence - Joshua doesn't do subtle...) who was back happily feeding the young soon afterwards (like about 7 seconds)

Here's the butternut squash bed, having been planted up.
Another of the runner beans has died, and the third has had it's head chopped/bitten off by something. Oh dear. Not a roaring success.
Transplanted a couple of corn to rationalise the bed somewhat, though may have said that yesterday.

And finally, in other news, we saw a Goldcrest yesterday (I'm pretty sure, anyway!) And we saw a huge bird of prey today. If it weren't for the fact that they don't live 'round here, I'd say it was an eagle... But I'll accept Buzzard instead. I was driving at the time, but it was definitely too big to be anything kestrely! Unfortunately, the RSPB site doesn't tell me the relative sizes of the birds...

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